
I offer professional development training to individuals and groups, focusing on unconscious bias, racial justice, inclusion, and equity in recruitment and hiring.

Through interactive workshops and materials, I facilitate processes that empower belonging and mindful work cultures through listening, story-sharing, deep thinking, and conflict mitigation. I center diversity and empathy as drivers for success, progress, and innovation.

As Provost Fellow for Diversity at Oakland University, I have developed programming – multi-step trainings and reflection, and self-paced courses – to prepare diversity and equity advocates, faculty, and staff for hiring and recruitment.


In a time of so much political turmoil amid necessary calls for a more just world, it can be difficult to see where we are “in this together” and how to best work toward a better tomorrow. Over many years of participating in Dr. Schneeweis’ discussions and workshops, I have admired her ability to bring diverse voices into challenging conversations, all while standing firm in her values and practicing the humility she promotes. Whether a university-wide training program or series of small group conversations, she offers a whole-person approach to teaching and guiding us to be our best selves as individuals and communities. 

Christina Moore, PhD, Associate Director, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Oakland University

Excellent inclusivity workshops… provided an important space for faculty to think through definitions and understandings of these DEI concepts, and the content and format encouraged faculty to apply this knowledge to everyday experiences as academics. 

Crystal VanKooten, PhD, Associate Professor, Writing and Rhetoric Department Chair, Oakland University

I loved that the sessions were interactive and that you were not talking at us. You asked thought-provoking questions that invited attendees to think about our deeply held beliefs and how those manifest in the choices we make toward others. I recall you even sharing examples from your personal experiences that included examples with family, and I loved those. […] I love that you gave us the language we needed to talk about certain things; when we are able to name what’s happening, it makes such a big difference in the conversation.

Felicita Arzu-Carmichael, PhD, Assistant Professor, Director of the Embedded Writing Specialist Program, Oakland University